Applying Neural Networks to Ultimate Tic Tac Toe


An AI challenge adapted to machine learning

When Ultimate Tic Tac Toe (UT3) first came out on theAiGames I played a game against a friend on a piece of paper. I never played another one. Why ? I didn’t find it very interesting. Some midgame moves were completely random and in the end it became quite hard to keep track of more than a few moves ahead.

Which can be interpreted as:

  • a big decision tree,
  • a branching factor that can go through the roof (max = 81)
  • and a simple evaluation determines the winner.

This was a perfect game for an AI challenge!

Inspired by AlphaGo

2016 saw the victory of AlphaGo against human best players and that was both fascinating and inspiring. So I wanted to try implementing an AI on UT3 that would use some of the ideas implemented in AlphaGo.

As I understand, AlphaGo works like this:

  1. it first uses a neural network (NN) to determine which move a good player would look at, that’s the policy network,
  2. then it simulates games using a Monte Carlo Search Tree (MCTS)
  3. and finally it evaluates the possible resulting boards through a second NN called the value network.

For a (much) better description of AlphaGo please refer to Dan Maas’ blog which provides more details and figures or DeepMind paper itself.

The basic ideas for the bot

I decided to use a Monte Carlo Tree search (MCTS) as my main framework (as opposed to alpha beta pruning or expert AI (aka heuristics)), I had already developed it in java for theAiGames Four in a row.
To try something new I wanted to reduce the branching factor (if I have to evaluate 8 moves from a position I have a branching factor of 8). That would be the role of my Neural Network (NN): to determine which move could be interesting in order to reduce the branching factor and study the selected moves more deeply. And from the selected moves I would build the MCTS, assuming that both me and my opponent would play those (apparently) good moves.
That was the plan.

Assembling stuff for the Bot

1. Gathering data

As anyone who played with machine learning knows too well: before anything you need data, like a lot of it. First I downloaded games from the top 100 players for the past months. That was great to start with. After hours of building the nicest json parser I could I had a nice dataset (a python pandas DataFrame to be specific). In a .csv file with a board on each line (like the board given by the game engine) with 2s for the player that played the last move and a column to tell who won the game.
Afterwards I had a raspberry-pi gather the data for the best players.

2. Building and training the neural network

First approach: evaluate all the moves

From the games I had in my dataset:

X: a vector representing both players boards before and after the move
y: 1 if the player that moved won the game else -1 (values are not important here, it represents 2 classes)

The NN acts as a classifier (“Is this move a win ?”), 2 hidden layers (400/200), relu activations, softmax output, no dropout, binary cross entropy, a few epochs. When expanding a node in MCTS I would evaluate the odds for each possible move. I would keep only the promising nodes (win probability > 50%). If no nodes are good I would fall back to a classic MCTS and try them all.

Three weeks before lock down I discovered that my dataset had a serious flaw, it couldn’t be fixed. I was able to recreate only 40% of it. At first the NN had a 70% accuracy, by adding more data it reached 75% of accuracy.

The MCTS-NN bot won about 30/35% of the games against my MCTS bot.

I also tried adding the winning probability to the MCTS UCT function and keeping all the nodes in the tree (win ratio + acoefficient x NN prediction + explorationfactor x sqrt(…)). Not a big success neither.

Second approach: predict the proper cell to play in

Here I tried to guess the best cell to play in (when it’s limited to a 3x3 board, not when it can play anywhere on the 9x9 board). About the same NN architecture (with categorical cross entropy). I kept the winning moves to build the dataset:

X: a vector representing both players boards before and after the move
y: cell position in a 3x3 board

At best I had a 40% accuracy, but I didn’t have time to check in which condition the NN was predicting the proper cell (if it has 5 free cells to play in, a random bot would have a 20% chance of making the proper move and then a 40% accuracy isn’t that good). But by selecting the top 4 probabilities (for 9 potential moves) I had about 80/85% chance of studying the actual best move, which is good for reducing the branching factor of the MCTS. Unfortunately I couldn’t implement it and test it before the lock down.

3. More stuff added to the bot

Openings’ book

Because consuming the time bank at the start of a game is a waste of time I ran tons of games (with Monte Carlo) to determine the win ratio of each opening move.

  • If id = 1 then according to my simulations playing in the middle (x = 4, y = 4) is the best move, about 52 % chance of winning.
  • If id = 2, the best response to any opening move came as a moves’ matrix. If the opening is (3, 1) then the best response is … and so on.

End game

I launched series of matchs between a bot that uses the NN to reduce the MCTS branching factor versus a bot that doesn’t prune the MCTS. Turns out the bot with the NN wasn’t that good… Especially at the end of the game, it wouldn’t consider moves that actually lead to a victory.
So when a few microboards are won the bot stops using the NN and considers all possible moves (classic MCTS).


First time I’m using neural network for an AI, it was fun ! As always building a proper dataset is the main issue, the simplicity of the game made this possible.
Next step would have been an optimized field class to enable deeper tree search.

Written on January 1, 2016